Monday, May 25, 2009

Cell phones

Cell phones! Woot!

Projector cell phone for video chatting (or sharing viral videos):
Combination cell phone and palm pilot, complete with USB file sharing and charging capability, stylus and writing pad.

Here's a more feminine cell phone with a distinctive shape so one cannot lose it in one 's purse (a rather annoying issue when the darn thing is ringing and you can't find it amidst all the other shtuff you've shoved in there).


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Here beith some delightful netbookes for thy perusing pleasure.

It's a work in progress, this one...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Netbook Sketches

Netbook sketches, y'all.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swiss Gear Backpacks

Trying more new styles... again... someday I SHALL find one I like, which does not take me six hours to do! Also, I will ride a unicorn to Australia. Yeah.

Six color palette, cell shading method with call-outs:

Using hard brush strokes only:

Painterly effect with brushes and glow:

Using painted areas for selections and textures :

Finished version of the last one coming soon to a blog near you.

I think using the pen tool to get clean edges and selections is my favorite method so far, but it is also the most time consuming, so I'm trying not to use it on these backpacks.

Monday, May 4, 2009